Thursday 3 April 2014

Double Page Spread Screen Grabs

The first step into making my double page spread was choosing my image. I chose this image in particular because it was simply yet appealing to the eye. Even though I will be creating my DPS on Microsoft Publisher I had to adjust the levels and remove the background on Photoshop.

Next I decided where I was going to place my image. I chose to put it in the right hand side of the page and work around it.

Then I added my Headline. I placed it at the top of the page towards the left to follow conventions and to emphasize the text.

The next step was adding the article description. I placed this slightly under the heading because it is a basic description of the article and is usually found here in a magazine. 

My final edit to my double page spread was adding the article and page numbers. I set the article out into three columns which makes it easier for the audience to read. I also added a pull-quote from the main article making the audience want to know where she said that and why. The page numbers also link to the contents page.

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