Friday 11 April 2014

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Here you can see that at the beginning of the year, I had not included some of the conventions. I knew how to set out a magazine previously because I did Media Studies for two years previously. But know I have included all the conventions to make my final product look professional. For example on my preliminary task I did not include a plug or footer but after peer and teacher feedback I included them on my final product.  

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

How did you attract/address your audience?

My aim from this process was to attract the right audience to my magazine. So I asked two  people, one who studies media and one that doesn't , and questioned them about my magazine and how it attracts people. At the start of this process I was aiming to attract young people aged 15-25 and to achieve this I used colours that would appeal to this age of both genders. Here are the questions and the responses that I received.

Who do you think the audience is for this magazine?
- The audience looks like it would be aged 16  and older, both boys and girls.
- Target audience looks like 15 - 25 year old males and females.

-Because of the colours used which both genders usually like. And the images used are appealing.
- The colour scheme are not stereotyped to any specific genders. Also the person in the main images looks around the same age as the audience which is appealing.

What makes you want to buy this magazine?
- The stories that are on the front cover and contents page.
- The style of the magazine and the competition to win festival tickets.

What Genre do you think this magazine is based on?
- It looks like it is mainly pop music that is in the charts.
- Because it looks like it is based on chart music, I would say it includes a number of genres , but mainly pop music.

Is the house style continuous throughout the magazine?
- Yes, the colour scheme and the font you have used matches.
- Yes because you have used continuity throughout your magazine like using the same colour scheme, photographs and font types.

How could I improve my magazine?
- I don't think it needs anything else.
- You should emphasize the competition on the contents page more.

I also asked 10 students at random whether they would buy my magazine or not. From this exercise I want to find out if my magazine appeals to my target audience, 15-25 year old's of both genders and that is why I surveyed 10 people at random in college. Here are the results:

From these results I can see that my magazine DOES attract my target audience therefore I have reach my goal in attracting the right people to read my magazine.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Representation of my audience by bethcoxon19 on GoAnimate

   My magazine represents the younger generation. To attract this audience I have based my magazine on chart music which include different genres such as Pop, R&B and Hip Hop.

  My media product represents these social groups as positive people because it includes stories which have a impact, for example making the audience laugh with a joke.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Thursday 3 April 2014

Final Product: Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread

Front Cover and Contents Page Drafts

Front Cover Screen Grabs

This is the first step I made to create my magazine front cover. Before I started adding any images, I set the page size to A4 which is the size of a magazine.Then I chose my main image for my front cover, after deciding this I adjusted the levels and removed the background.

Next I added my logo. From research I decided on this particular font because it is bold and clear for the audience to read. I placed it in the top left corner because it is conventional from the magazines that I have looked at like 'Q'. 

 The next step was adding the boxes to put my Skyline and footer. I have stayed with my theme yellow, red and black and filled the boxes in black. This will also make the writing that I will layer over it stand out more.

Here I have added the Skyline and footer, which is conventional on a magazine. I have chosen the colour yellow for the my skyline to continue with my colour scheme. The colour of my text in the footer also follows the colour scheme as it is white.

This is my final stage of editing. Here I have added all my sub-headings , bar code, issue, date and pull quotes. These final touches made my magazine look conventional and professional. I chose this particular font because I wanted that edgy look to the magazine which helps attract a wider audience.


Contents Page Screen Grabs

The first step into creating my contents page, I set my page size to A4. Next I added my title, issue number and date. I have continued to use the colour scheme white, red and black to show consistency. Placing the title at the top is follows conventions therefore it looks proffesional.

The next thing I did was add the social sites. These social sites included Facebook, Instagram and Twitter which all have links to the magazines pages on these certain sites.  I have seen these logos being used on other music magazines contents pages follows conventions.

Then I added my photographs. I used all of my own images which included to photos from two photoshoots and and two concert pictures. By using my own images from concerts I've been too it adds that touch of music the the magazine. I have included an image of the model on my front cover on the contents page, making it larger tan the rest which shows that this is the cover story.

Here I added the main part of the contents page, the page numbers and description. I stook to the colour scheme and made my sub-headings background red and the writing white. The text is in a column beause this makes it easier to read for the audience instead of it being all over the page.

My final edit was adding the large page numbers to the images which the stories were linked to. This is conventional and makes those particular stories stand out as the page numbers are rather large that draws attention to the image.

Double Page Spread Screen Grabs

The first step into making my double page spread was choosing my image. I chose this image in particular because it was simply yet appealing to the eye. Even though I will be creating my DPS on Microsoft Publisher I had to adjust the levels and remove the background on Photoshop.

Next I decided where I was going to place my image. I chose to put it in the right hand side of the page and work around it.

Then I added my Headline. I placed it at the top of the page towards the left to follow conventions and to emphasize the text.

The next step was adding the article description. I placed this slightly under the heading because it is a basic description of the article and is usually found here in a magazine. 

My final edit to my double page spread was adding the article and page numbers. I set the article out into three columns which makes it easier for the audience to read. I also added a pull-quote from the main article making the audience want to know where she said that and why. The page numbers also link to the contents page.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Feature Stories research

Here is my research for feature story topics that I would include in my magazine

Music Magazine Images

These are the pictures that I have taken for my music magazine. I took into consideration the shot types I would use and what page I would use them for. For example I used mid-close ups for the front cover which also could be used for the contents page as well. Also for the double page spread I used wide shots because from research I have recognized that this is conventional.